Jan 28 2016

Eyes up!

IMG_5160In December I watched the barefoot man teach the very tall baby brother to ride his very large motor-bike. And while he was teaching him, calmly and happily, I heard him explain the 3 fold rule for what to do if things feel wobbly. Continue reading

Nov 30 2015

Three cliché’s from Prague


It’s easy to fall into cliché when you visit places like Prague, full as they are of spectacular buildings steeped in history, bridges with swathes of swans, streets where famous people lived, castles on the hilltop, and a river running through it all. Or something like that.

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Jul 31 2015

Ode to a teacup (or two)


A long, long time ago in a city far, far away (Joburg, after all, is much, much further from Cape Town than Cape Town is from Joburg) a very lovely little friend of mine who loves all things that fly – birds, planes, pilots, and even cricket balls – gifted me a set of beautiful porcelain mugs. They were delicate in every way, despite being mugs, and they quickly became my very favourite and exclusive vessels for drinking tea out of.

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Jun 25 2015

Advice that got me halfway


Having spent a year at 40, halfway-ish through a human lifespan (given a myriad of other variables, I realise), and now finding myself already in June again it occurred to me on a game drive in the Cederberg last weekend that it’s only through good fortune, and great advice that I’ve gotten this far.

So here, in no particular order, is some of the advice garnered from many lovely people, and from the vast wilderness of the interwebs, that has gotten me half-way…

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May 5 2015

On disintegration


It’s autumn in Cape Town and last week I stood in the doggie park while Phoebe sniffed at leisure and watched the gorgeous leafy display in peak autumnal showiness when I realised that autumn is actually nature disintegrating. Literally falling apart.

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